Claudette Dumont-Smith

Claudette Dumont-Smith, Consultant

Claudette Dumont-Smith has been actively involved in the field of Aboriginal health since 1974. She is a registered nurse and has acted in various executive capacities with the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada and worked as a consultant for various National Aboriginal Organizations as well as at the regional and local levels. Ms. Dumont-Smith has moderated health conferences across Canada and has collaborated on a number of papers and manuals about various aspects of Aboriginal health care programs.

Ms. Dumont-Smith has served as a member of the Aboriginal circle of the Canadian Panel on Violence Against Women, a blue ribbon panel initiated by the Government of Canada in 1991, as Associate Commissioner for the National Aboriginal Child Care Commission of the Native Council of Canada, and served as Commissioner for the Indian Residential School Commission for one year.

Ms. Dumont-Smith is also an accomplished writer/researcher whose articles on a wide range of topics have been published by the Health Council of Canada, and the Aboriginal Healing Foundation, Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada, among others.

Ms. Dumont-Smith holds her Master's degree in Public Administration from Queen's University, Kingston and also holds a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Québec, Gatineau.

Ms. Dumont-Smith is currently the Executive Director of the Native Women’s Association of Canada, a position she has held since 2010.

Partnering Organization: Native Women's Association of Canada